Brock MacKenzie kehrt in dieser Saison nicht zurück!

Unser Topscorer Brock MacKenzie wird in dieser Saison nicht nach Hagen zurückkehren, aber: er hat noch was zu sagen!


“Phoenix Hagen Family! Just wanted to first say how grateful I am to have put on a Hagen jersey and compete in front of all of you in the best arena in Germany. Hagen is a special place with the best fans, and I will be forever grateful of all the memories shared together in Ischelandhalle and throughout the season.

These last few weeks have been tough for my family and I with the passing of a beloved family member. I feel so blessed that the team, coaching staff, and the whole organization gave me the opportunity to be home to grieve and support my family during this time. Unfortunately, I will not be able to return to the team to finish off the playoffs as I am still needed by my family here.

As a rookie overseas, there was a lot of question marks about what it would be like and how the season was going to go. As I reflected the past couple of weeks, I can confidently say that I wouldn’t have wanted to be in any other situation. God put me in a great place to live out my childhood goal of playing professional basketball and surrounded me with great coaches, great teammates, and a great organization.

It was an honor to represent this city and this club as we accomplished many goals and won a lot of games together this season. I will continue to support and watch the games from the states as there is still unfinished business. Till we see each other again…. Go Hagen!“

Brock, dank dir für deinen Einsatz und die vielen wunderbaren Momente. Take care, Buddy!